We build the excellence of people, businesses and communities using the power of innovation. We design optimal contexts for change (mindset, lifestyle, career, etc.) in people’s lives for over twenty years! We are passionate about what we do and we pass on this passion to those with whom we are working. We are an inseparable community, aiming for results, growth and the development of each individual’s potential, seeking to become a reference of development for humans, companies and communities from Romania and from all over the world.

We have started in 1999 with the desire to invest in women from Romania we believe in and to whom we have offered the best personal development programs, unique on the market at the time. We called ourselves The Association for the Advancement of Women in Romania, a wish successfully fulfilled.

A large amount of our success is associated with the way each programme has been developed and delivered to provide not a product, but a true learning experience, focused on developing or acquiring competencies - knowledge, skills, attitudes and the goals of each participant. The project The National School of Women Managers in Romania is a testimony of what has been said above, having as a result the instruction of 1.500 women from Romania in the field of management and entrepreneurship, and promoted the professional careers of 1,500 women in management positions at national level. Throughout the 20 years, with each project we have pursued the development of individual autonomy and organizational autonomy through innovative models for people, businesses and flourishing communities. For over 20 years we have been partners with all those who wish performance in their careers and businesses. The APFR legacy is the home in which Inovatrium was born: the space for excellence, where people, businesses and communities find expertise, innovative models, resources and opportunities for partnerships for welfare.

Our journey has gained meaning alongside those who, by collaborating with us, have benefited from the best solutions, whether it is career or business development opportunities, financing or advice, development support and community innovation. Each and every project developed was a step toward what INOVATRIUM represents today.

The first integrated support and assistance programme for entrepreneurs

Dedicated to financing business ideas of people in vulnerable situations, it has gradually become the development space for entrepreneurs of IMMpact.

IMMpact West offers entrepreneurs and potential entrepreneurs the experience of developing a new business, directly linked to their potential and the needs of the community. The minimum quality standard developed, together with the Code of Entrepreneurial Conduct, the only nationally available system for assessing the impact of entrepreneurial actions on the individual, the more than 85 new jobs created and 38 businesses set up in the last 3 years are just some of the factors that recommend IMMpact West as a model of good practice in entrepreneurship and the optimal solution for those seeking to develop new entrepreneurial skills.

The first school of management and entrepreneurship for women

The Women’s Managers National School

1.200 learning experiences testify to the largest national programme dedicated to women’s management and entrepreneurship. Romania’s first school of women managers has contributed to the inclusion in the COR of a new employment standard, that of the profession of Manager, the certification of managerial and entrepreneurial skills of over 1.200 women from Romania, the ongoing of the largest national campaign on equal opportunities and gender ( national, regional and local conferences, TV and radio spots, dissemination of posters and information materials) and the largest study on key skills of women in leading positions.


2016 - Women in Action Award 2016

Europe's first woman awarded for outstanding achievements at national and European level in promoting women's rights and improving the quality of life of people in need

Founder of the National School of Women Managers, Psych. Dr. Adela Dinu (1977 - 2015), is the first woman in Europe to receive this important recognition for all the actions carried out at national and European level in the promotion of women's rights, in increasing the quality of their lives through education, making a significant contribution to the empowerment of thousands of women in Romania and Europe. Adela Dinu has developed a new management approach based on gender equality, which has been passed on to more than 3,000 women managers and entrepreneurs in Europe, she initiated and coordinated the first draft law in Romania in the field of domestic violence which also became the first law (law 217/2003) in Romania.

2015- Business-female gender

The first national TV show dedicated exclusively to gender equality and female entrepreneurship and developed exclusively by civil society.

Business female gender!- The first national TV show dedicated to women’s management and entrepreneurship, including 10 editions and reports with women from Romania who have made use of their formal and informal learning experiences by materializing them as a new business, showing that changing the perspective always brings something new. Promoting women in managerial positions, Reconciling family and professional life, Returning to work after maternity, Feminine and masculine values in business, Mobbing in the workplace are just some of the topics approached and which provided people in Romania with answers to the most common situations encountered in the labour market.

2014- ICARM+ model

The first human resources management model from gender perspective

Based on the expertise and sustained efforts of more than 20 experts from 6 European countries, the ICARM+ model has quickly become an efficient and effective alternative on human resource management. The system proposes a set of 37 company-specific performance indicators and a customized management programme consisting of coaching sessions, development workshops, new methods of employee evaluation and motivation and a set of clear principles based on meritocracy. More than 10 companies in Europe have recognized the effectiveness of the system as a result of the tests of the principles behind ICARM+.


2012- Antimobbing Centre

The first Antimobbing Centre (psychological harassment) opened and is operational in the Western part of Romania and the second in Romania

An important step in the development of one of the newest and most innovative intervention methods to support psychologically abused people at work. Although the topic addressed is perhaps still a novelty for many of the social actors directly concerned, the centre has enjoyed a positive response from public institutions and civil society organizations in the Western Region. The specialized services developed brought together 45 representatives of social partners and 34 representatives of public institutions and trade unions who were included in training/information programmes on equality and bullying.

2011 - FEMINA Programme

The first national programme to combat gender inequality and sexism reflected in the media dedicated exclusively to journalists

336 journalists from all over the country became INOVATRIUM ambassadors to promote gender equality and fight sexism in the media. They actively took part in the training programmes on equal opportunities, became trainers in turn and contributed to changing mentalities on a daily basis through their professional work. "I will be more careful when reporting discrimination in the press (e.g. how I write a headline or a story)", "I will address discrimination/ gender and equal opportunities more frequently as a press topic, focusing on possible solutions (who can the victim turn to, what steps can be taken, referral to specialists, etc.)", "I will no longer tolerate misogynistic and sexist remarks" are just some of the concrete changes proposed by the journalists.

2010- SEISS model, Adela Dinu

The first evaluation system on the impact of social services on victims of domestic violence

Scientifically based, with proven applicability as a result of years dedicated to supporting women and girls, victims of domestic violence (direct psychological counselling, psycho-social services, social assistance), having a solid educational basis as a result of the analysis of the representation of competences at the level of a European research team, the SEISS Model is an innovative system of evaluation of the impact of social services that contributes to the development of the quality of social services, encourages good practices at the level of all social assistance units and outlines as a priority the promotion of competence.

2006- Women’s rights between USE and ABUSE

The first monitoring press and justice programme on the implementation of Law 217/2003 on domestic violence

We believe that the interest and support towards different vulnerable groups, especially in the case of victims of domestic violence and sexual abuse, must be steady and congruent in order to ensure the best conditions for change. The programme conducted at county level has successfully involved the most relevant institutions able to interfere in such situations. Among the main forms of violation of women’s rights from Romania, according to the cases that had been monitored, the most frequent are: violence against women (domestic violence and workplace violence), abuse (in various forms: physical, sexual, psychological, professional), trafficking in women and discrimination (sexual, economic, political or social).

2001- The Blue Phone

First crisis hotline in the western part of Romania for women, victims of domestic violence and sexual abuse

The first step taken by the civil society to get people- both victims and witnesses- to take action. Can anyone cross one’s heart and say they know of no cases of domestic violence? Hard to believe. INOVATRIUM's initiatives to prevent and combat domestic violence and sexual abuse continue to be models of good practice in the social domain and social services field with the "Blue Phone" programme, in over 10 years of operation, taking on more than 3000 cases, with more than 300 young volunteers, students of psychology or social work, specially trained to provide telephone counselling services.

2001 –

The first draft law on domestic violence in Romania, drafted and launched by civil society, which later became a separate law (Law 217/2003)

The first step taken by civil society to ensure the protection of victims of domestic violence and sexual abuse within a legally regulated framework. For the first time in Romania, we are witnessing the role that civil society can play in creating a community that stands by people and acts on their behalf. Partnerships, regional and national campaigns, events dedicated to representatives of public institutions, NGOs, TV broadcasts and many other actions, organized and carried out by a multidisciplinary team (lawyers, psychologists, journalists, social workers, students, etc.) of ... volunteers. INOVATRIUM stays today in the same spirit, an association dedicated to people.



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